Albert Lukonga was born in the Democratic republic of the Congo during the country's political crisis that made life a little hard to survive. His mother (a tailor and a designer) worked hard in the fashion industry to put food on the table for ten. Eventually, sustaining this on her own became impossible to achieve. The family decided to leave the country for safety reasons into Zimbabwe where they lived for 6-7 years in the refugee camp. In 2006, the his family got a resettlement to the U.S. Once settled in Lexington, Kentucky, Albert attended high school where he played soccer and was known as the sharpest dressed kid. This was when he met his soccer moms (Mrs. Jones and Paula) who made him into the man he is today. As a child, Albert has always dreamt of having his own label someday and used all of his resources to curve himself a path towards this one dream. In 2011, Albert lost Mrs. Jones to breast cancer, his life was once again over-turned. At this point he chose to channel his energy in sales and retail world while attending college. Since school was not always his preference he wanted to learn everything they was about business to achieve his dream. Albert wanted to have a label that focused on people's everyday lifestyles through quality, service, and detail orientation. He traveled to Europe to meet the best in the industry that could help him bring his dream to live, Maison Albert Couture was born. Today, Albert currently lives in Lexington K.Y, where he continues to run the House Albert Couture label as the Founder and Executive Designer.